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E. Gómez Milan "The mental and subjective skin: emotion, empathy, feelings and thermography. ", "Consciousness and Cognition"
, vol.34, 149-162, 2015
E. Gómez Milan "Inteligencias múltiples y arqueología de la mente", "Crítica"
, -, 2015
E. Gómez Milan "Inteligencias múltiples y rendimiento en fútbol. "
, vol.3, 121-, 2015
I. Antonio-Rubio, C.J. Madrid, E. Salazar Lopez, M.J. Pérez-Navarro, C. Sáez Zea, E. Gomez-Milan, A. Mínguez-Castellanos
F. Escamilla-Sevilla,
, vol.21, 852-857, 2015
E. Gómez Milan "Influence of a reaching action of the same or different effector. ", "Perceptual and Motor Skills"
, vol.118, 126-144, 2014
V. Juárez Ramos, E. Salazar Lopez, M.A. Rodriguez-Artacho, K. Chmielowiec, A. Riquelme, J. Fernandez-Gomez, A. Fernandez-Ramirez, A. Vicente De Haro, A. Miranda, M. Caballero, B. Machado, A. González Hernández
E. Gomez-Milan,
"The Laughter of Ticklishness Is a Darwinian Feature Related to Empathy in Both Genders: Self-Esteem in Men and Sexism in Women", "Open Journal of Medical Psychology"
, vol.3, 18-23, 2014
E. Gómez Milan "Influence of a recahing action of the same or different effector. "
, vol.118(1), 126-144, 2014
V. Juárez Ramos, J.L. Rubio Gómez, C. Delpero, G. Mioni, F. Stablum
E. Gómez Milan,
"Jumping to Conclusions bias, BADE and Feedback Sensitivity in schizophrenia and schizotypy", "Consciousness and Cognition"
, vol.26, 133-144, 2014
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024