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E. Gómez Milan "Nasal skin temperature reveals change sin arousal levels due to time on task: an experimental thermal infrared imaging study.", "Applied Ergonomics"
, vol.81, -, 2019
E. Gómez Milan "Decreasing Motion sickness by mixing different techniques.", "Applied Ergonomics"
, vol.82, -, 2019
E. Gómez Milan "Pain and distraction according to sensory modalities: Current findings and future directions", "Pain Practice"
, vol.19, 686-702, 2019
E. Gómez Milan "The mental nose and the Pinocchio effect: Thermography, planning, anxiety, and lies. ", "Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling"
, vol.15, 235-248, 2018
E. Gómez Milan "Skin Temperature reveals empathy in moral dilemmas:An experimental thermal infrared imaging study", "Thermology International"
, -, 2018
E. Gómez Milan "The Pinocchio effect and the cold stress test: Lies and thermography. ", "Psychophysiology"
, vol.54, 1621-1631, 2017
E. Gómez Milan "La piel subjetiva: estudio de las emociones a través de la termografía. ", "Ciencia Cognitiva"
, vol.10, 8-11, 2016
E. Gómez Milan "Inteligencias múltiples y rendimiento en fútbol. "
, vol.3, 121-, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024