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E. Gómez Milan, O. Iborra Martinez
M.J. De Córdoba Serrano,
"EL UNIVERSO KIKI-BOUBA. IDEAESTESIA, EMPATÍA Y NEUROMÁRKETING Emilio Gómez Milán, Oscar Iborra, María José de Córdoba, et al", 2014
I. Santiesteban, K. Villacis, M.J. De Córdoba Serrano
E. Gómez Milan,
"CAPÍTULO 10: SEXISMO Y EFECTO KIKI BOUBA Irene Santisteban Bailón, Katherine Villacís Pinto, María José de Córdoba y Emilio Gómez Milán Universidad de Granada", "El Universo Kiki Bouba. Ideaestesia, empatía y Neuromárketing", 187-193, 2014
F. Escamilla-Sevilla, I. Antonio-Rubio, C.J. Madrid, E. Salazar Lopez, M.J. Pérez-Navarro, C. Sáez Zea, E. Gómez Milan
A. Mínguez-Castellanos,
"Diagnostic utility of unilateral cold stress test with hand thermography in Parkinsons disease.", "18TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE AND MOVEMENT DISORDERS", None-None, 2014
E. Salazar Lopez
E. Gómez Milan,
"Visual self-recognition: I am my actions", "30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology", None-None, 2014
E. Gómez Milan
"Decision making and feedback sensitivity: a comparison between older and younger adults.", European Journal Of Cognitive Psychology, vol.27
, -, 2014
E. Gómez Milan
"Influence of a reaching action of the same or different effector. ", Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol.118
, 126-144, 2014
E. Gómez Milan
"Influence of a recahing action of the same or different effector. ", vol.118(1)
, 126-144, 2014
E. Gómez Milan
"Juarez- Ramos, V., Rubio, J.L., Delpero, D., Mioni, G., Stablum, F & E. Gómez-Milán. (2014). Jumping to Conclusions and Feedback Sensitivity in Schizophrenia and Schizotypy.", Consciousness and Cognition, vol.26
, 133-144, 2014
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024